Are you interested? Submit your name here. You will receive information.
It takes time to become a Lay Dominican. It is not the religious life of the priesthood or of the women religious; but it is uniquely a participation in the life of Christ. Here is the process below.
If you are interested, please fill out an application and send to the attention of: Formation Director [email protected]. If you want additional information about the Chapter, please register here.
INQUIRER: Come any time to a Chapter meeting. We meet on the third Saturday of each month, at St. Mark's Catholic Church in Boise at 10:00 o'clock a.m. Join us.
POSTULANT. A postulant takes the time to attend meetings regularly, to meet with the formation director, to discuern continued participation of the Chapter, and prays toward that end. This period of time can last for six months to one year.
NOVICE. A Novice is received into the Order as a member of the Chapter and of the worldwide Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic. You will continue the discernment process of whether to take the next step, will continue to study and pray, participate in meetings, and learn the Dominican way of life. This take about one year of time.
TEMPORARY PROFESSION. The temporary professed person continues to discern the Dominican Life, and in the practice of the Faith, participation in the Chapter, and in the stages of Dominican Life. It is a promise to live according to the Dominican Rule for three years. At the end of this teim period, you can seek to be perpetually professed or extend the time of temporary profession up to a total of six years.
PERPETUAL PROFESSION As the words reveal, it is a perpetual profession to live the Dominican Life, in the charism of Our Lord's faithful son in the Faith, St. Dominic. It is a promise, not binding under sin, to life in accordance with the Four Pillars of Dominican for your life, and for eternity!