From time to time, Chapter members will author, write, publish, film, record or otherwise pen or produce an article, a paper, a tome, or video or other work, study or story, worth of our reading or viewing and further inquiry. In no distinct order, below is a compendium of such articles, papers, and tomes, and other works from the Chapter's postulants, novices, and professed. Included in the list below may be works of the Friars and other members of the Order of Preachers. Please note that the writings below have not been granted an imprimatur or a nihil obstat by the Chapter, its members, or any ecclesiastical authority. Writings with opposing views are welcome, as long as the writing(s) is Catholic. If you find an error, either grammatical, doctrinal or otherwise, please bring it to the attention of the Prior, Formation Director, or other member of the Council. (See, members of the Council here). Thank you!